Memorandum on Legislative Amendments

Amendments were made on the restructuring of certain receivables.
Amendments were made on the restructuring of certain receivables through the Presidential Decision numbered 4420 published in the Official Gazette dated August 27, 2021 and numbered 31581.

1. The deadline for restructuring application has been extended.
The deadline for restructuring application regulated under Article 9 of the Law on Restructuring Certain Receivables and Amending Certain Laws No.7326 (“Law”) has been extended for 1 (one) month from 31.08.2021 to 30.09.2021.

2. The payment date of first installments of certain receivables within the scope of restructuring has also been postponed.
The payment date of first installment to be made to the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, the Ministry of Commerce, special provincial administrations and municipalities as per the Law has been postponed for 1 (one) month from 30.09.2021 to 30.10 2021.

The payment date of first installment to be made to the Social Security Institution has been postponed for 1 (one) month from 31.10.2021 to 30.11.2021.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding above matters.
Best Regards.

Av. Bertan SIR